Nokia C3 was launched in India in August last year. Then in December the price of the phone was reduced. However, the price of Nokia C3 was further reduced in a few months. However, the company did not say anything about this. However, on the e-commerce site Flipkart, the 3 GB RAM variant of the Nokia C3 phone is being sold at a discount of Rs. 1,600. So if you are looking for a cheap smartphone, you can buy this phone.
Discount on Nokia C3
The Nokia C3 was priced at Rs 6,999 with 2GB RAM and 16GB storage. The 3 GB RAM and 32 GB storage variant was priced at Rs 7,999. However, the 3 GB variant of the phone is now being sold at Rs 6,399 on Flipkart. Although this variant is priced at Rs 6,999 on the company's own site. Note that at the time of launch, the 2GB and 3GB variants of Nokia C3 were priced at Rs 7,499 and Rs 8,999 respectively.
Specification of Nokia C3
The dual SIM Nokia C3 phone has a 5.99 inch HD Plus (1,440 × 720 pixels) display. Again Unisoc SC 9863A processor has been used in this phone. For graphics there is IMG 8322 GPU. For security, the phone has a fingerprint sensor and face unlock feature.
Speaking of the camera, the back of the Nokia C3 phone will have an 8-megapixel sensor with LED flash. The front also has a 5 megapixel sensor for selfies and video calls. It also has a 3,040 mAh battery. It has a micro USB port for charging.
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