Huawei launched the Nova 8 Pro last December. This phone had 5G connectivity. However, the Chinese company has launched the Huawei Nova 8 Pro 4G. Both phones have almost the same specifications, only the new phone will not support 5G. The Huawei Nova 8 Pro 4G also has a Kirin 985 processor like the 5G model, 120 Hz refresh rate display and 4,000 mAh battery. Let's find out the details about the phone.
Specification of Huawei Nova 8 Pro 4G:-
The Huawei Nova 8 Pro 4G phone has a 6.72-inch Full HD Plus (1236 x 2676 pixel resolution) OLED display with 120 Hz refresh rate and 300 Hz touch sampling rate. The design of this display is punch hole, with two cut-outs, a 32-megapixel camera with f / 2.0 aperture and a 16-megapixel ultra wide lens. The fingerprint sensor has been given in the display of the phone.
The Huawei Nova 8 Pro 4G phone uses an octa core Kirin 985 processor. The phone will run on Android 10 based EMUI 11 with custom skin. This phone comes with a 4,000 mAh battery for power backup. With which 66 watt supercharge will support fast charging technology. The company claims that the phone will be 60 percent charged in 20 minutes and fully charged in 35 minutes.
Huawei Nova 8 Pro 4G has four camera setups on the back of this phone. Its primary camera is 64 megapixels with f / 1.8 aperture. The other three cameras are an 8-megapixel ultra wide lens with a 120-degree field of view, a 2-megapixel depth sensor, and a 2-megapixel macro camera. It will offer 10x digital zoom.
Price and availability of Huawei Nova 8 Pro 4G:-
Huawei did not share any information about the price or availability of the phone at the time of writing this articles. However, it will cost less than the normal 5G model.
The Huawei Nova 8 Pro 5G was launched with two storage variants. These are 8 GB RAM and 128 GB storage and 8 GB RAM and 256 GB storage. They were priced at 3,699 yuan (about Rs 45,100) and 4,399 yuan (about Rs 49,590) respectively.
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