Popular audio brand Mivi has recently launched a new ‘Made in India’ Bluetooth earphone in India called Mivi Collar Classic Earphone. Coming with a comfortable neckband and powerful battery life, this earphone has multiple great features. But if you are worried about the price, let me tell you earlier, no other Indian company has come up with sophisticated wireless earphones like MEMS Mike, Bluetooth 5.0 connectivity, up to 24 hours playback time and button remote.
Mivi Collar Classic Earphone Specification:-
The collar classic earphone comes with a long battery life. The company claims that it will give 10 hours of playback time on a 10-minute charge and 16 hours to 24 hours on a 40-minute charge. It has Bluetooth 5.0 version for fast connectivity. Users can connect the earphones to two devices at the same time as well as control them.
The neckband of this model includes an in-line 3-button remote for controlling music and voice calls. The AI system includes Google Assistant and Siri Voice Assistant services. The Caller Classic earphones also come with an MEMS mic and have a great sound system with deep bass to give you a real-time experience.
The collar classic comes with three pairs of interchangeable earbuds. It also has a magnetic buds lock to prevent the earphones from falling in any way. co-founder of MVI, claims, "This product has a set of features tailored to the needs of Indian consumers and is available at a very affordable price, which will completely change the background of Bluetooth earphones."
Mivi Collar Classic Earphone Price & Availability:-
The price of this new collar classic earphone from the local electronics brand MV has been kept at only 999 rupees. This earphone is available in black, blue, white, green, orange and red color options. Interested buyers will be able to purchase this earphone online from the official website of MVI and the website of e-commerce giant, Flipkart.
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