The Unique Identification Authority of India or UIDAI announced a new Aadhaar help center a few months ago for complaints about Aadhaar services. This service allows users to lodge a complaint against any corruption or misconduct related to the Aadhaar service through call or e-mail or by visiting the official Aadhaar website. So, if you encounter any problems related to this, you can report your complaint to UIDAI by following the step-by-step procedure mentioned below.
Let's first take a look at what kind of complaints users can make here. According to the official website, the general public can lodge complaints regarding the following issues:
▪️ Operator and Enrollment Agency (Enrollment ID is not mandatory)
▪️ Aadhaar not generated (Enrollment ID is mandatory)
How to register Aadhaar related complaints on the official website
First go to website> scroll down and record other important information including enrollment ID (EID), date, time, contact details> then regarding the type and category of your complaint Details will be requested, record them properly> Once these tasks are done, enter the relevant Captcha code correctly and register your complaint by clicking the submit button.
UIDAI has also introduced a toll free number for making complaints. All you have to do is dial '1947' from your smartphone and Register your complaint. You can also e-mail to register your complaint.
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