WhatsApp's bring new features everyday. Basically just to get a taste of the new feature, even if there are questions about data security, many people continue to use the app owned by Facebook. Over the past few months, this instant messaging app has added a bunch of new features, including WhatsApp Pay, Contact Saving QR Code, Live Location. But a new report says that WhatsApp is working on two more features for Android users. One is the ‘New Chat Shortcuts UI’ of WhatsApp Business and the other is the animated header for disappearing messages.
WhatsApp Business's 'New Chat Shortcuts UI' Feature:-
To give you an idea of the upcoming feature, WaBetaInfo shared a photo. The instant messaging app has redesigned the intermediate chat shortcuts for "Business Info" in the business accounts profile. Currently, the "Business Info" section has three chat shortcuts - Message, Voice Call and Video Call. But after the upgrade, users will be able to see the four chat shortcuts in the middle of the device screen - Message, Voice Call, Catalog and Forward. As a result, users no longer have to scroll down to view the catalog, as well as send a link to a specific profile at a glance by clicking on the 'Forward' option.
However, according to the blog site, this feature is still being tested. So it is not known exactly when this feature is going to come.
Disappearing Message Animated Header Video:-
Facebook-owned WhatsApp recently launched a new feature called Disappearing Messages. But there are many users who still do not understand the function of this feature, or enabled it without understanding. In that case, it is known that this massaging platform can come up with another fun feature for the convenience of the users. According to a video posted on WhatsApp's blog site, they will animate the image in the header of the Disappearing Messages section, which will give users a clearer idea of the feature. In addition, although WhatsApp has already launched this feature for beta users, this feature will be available for the rest of the users in the next update.
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